Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Very Minimal Activity... AKA Bedrest

Word on the street is that my blood pressure is up. It had been creeping up at the last couple of appointments, nothing I thought I should be too terribly concerned about, or worry anyone over. At the doctor yesterday it was up to 156/88 and so Dr. E said she wanted me on "very minimal activity." Later when I was going to ask her exactly what that entailed and meant, she sort of beat me to the punch. She said, "Ok, so bedrest for you. Well I hate to use the term 'bedrest' because I mean, you can, like, move to the chair if you want, that's ok." OK, so I guess that means I'm down for the count. It wasn't like she said, "You can get up to make lunch and dinner for your kids or to go out and get the mail or to do any of the other countless things that might need to be done around the house." Nope, I'm down.

Last night, being the "get situated" night, we figured out what was going to happen with the kids, who would help care for them and what other things needed to be done. Family and friends have fervently stepped up to the plate with offers of help. I am humbled and extremely grateful for the help that people have given. I was even given a calendar today labeled with 9 MOPS sisters, who will be bringing us meals, on given days over the next 2 1/2 weeks! I don't feel I deserve it and always start to cry when I think about the blessings being given to us.

So alas, I sit. And sit. And lay. And sit some more. And take a nap. And lay. And sit again. And let me tell you, daytime tv is quite boring. But some great friends have called to say hi and chat for a bit, breaking up the day, which I'm thankful for.

Each day from here until my little guy is here is a blessing. Another day for him to grow and develop. Another day that he's tucked warm inside my tummy. Another day to snuggle up with two kids on my lap and love on them as much as I can before I'm distracted a little more by a 100% dependent babe. A lot of women would dread being on bedrest. But I have a choice. I can be put out by it, or I can see it as a gift. I'll go the positive route. Some mom's (like me) don't really have a "slow" button. It's either GO or STOP. I guess God pushed STOP. And so that's what I'll do.

Here's to the next 2 weeks! :)

1 comment:

Hartmanduo:) said...

Hey, NeeNee!!!

We are praying for peace and much patience during this time of bedrest..and for a safe and happy arrival of your new little boy. Be encouraged...you are loved all the way from Houston, Texas!!
Aubry and Drew:)