Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Quack Quack Waddle Waddle

Anyone remember the old McDonald's commercial... "Quack Quack, Waddle Waddle..." with kids in raincoats walking through the rain. Unfortunately for me, this is an artificial memory. My mom would tell me about this commercial all the time, because my cousins would sing it to me, but added/changed the words to "Quack quack, waddle waddle, wee wee NeeNee sniffer." Why these words? I haven't the slightest, but it was what it was.
Last week it rained and rained and rained and rained on Wednesday and Thursday (the two days I decided to have a garage sale- GGGRRR). But the kids loved it and made the most of it and these pictures remind me of waddling through the rain...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Not Me! Monday (er... Tuesday)

So whaaaaat?! So it's a "Not Me! Monday" on a Tuesday, that's just how life is sometimes!

So here's my chance to let you know all of the embarassing things that I did "not" do recently...

I most certainly did not kick Jonah when we were standing in the check out line waiting for a REALLY slow guy in the express check out a couple weeks ago (ok I really didn't, I just stuck my leg out- rather high for a pregnant lady- so that he wouldn't go careening into the slow man ahead of us). Jonah did not then turn around and, very loudly, say, "OOOOWWWW! Mom! Why did you kick me?!" And I, then, did not glance over my shoulder to see the wife of one of our pastors standing in line right behind me. I would never "kick" my child, in a grocery store, in front of our pastor's wife. But if I did, I'm sure she'd understand, she's had kids.

I'm am definitely not a mother who ever has to discipline her children in the least-they're always perfect! So last week, Aphia had not had some spankings and time-outs for playing in the toilet water after repeatedly being told not to do that- because she would not ever do such a gross thing! After the last time, I definitely did not have this lecture from her afterwards, (and picture this with the Aphia voice and her hands out in a "what?" fashion) "Mommy, I payed in da poopy toilet watoe. You pank my bottom and I go in a time- out. It's sooooo yucky! I make you soooooo mad! I won't do it again, and den you be sssooooo happy!" Apparently we had not had this conversation oodles of times and it was finally not ingrained in her head!

Have a wonderful week and I hope you do not ever do anything embarrassing and live to blog about it!

Friday, August 14, 2009


As the weeks pass, very quickly, I'm feeling more and more ready and not ready, anxious and at peace, physically good and enormous, on top of the world and a little frightened about Mr. Isaiah John Kruger coming into the world in just over 2 months. I'm currently 27 1/2 weeks pregnant and the time is going quicker than ever.

This picture was taken of me (and Phia and Isaiah) when we were in Oxford, MS visiting my cousins in July. I assure you, I'm much, much bigger now. How is this possible? Good gracious! With all three children, my doctors have told me that I have a LOT of amniotic fluid, but seriously folks, it's a little ridiculous!

Things have been going very good so far. My blood pressure has been a lot lower this go round. At this point with the other two pregnancies my BP was running around an average of 160-170/90- EEK! My BP for the past 3 weeks has been at an average of 125/78!! WHOA, talk about a difference! I was on blood pressure meds by this point with Aphia.

My hands have not been experiencing much for carpal tunnel issues. Although when we went on a little bike ride last week, I could tell that if I went much farther, my hands would be tingly.

And although, I could swear that I'm WAY huger than I was with both Jonah and Aphia at this point, I actually just measured around my belly, and it's the same as with Phia...hhhmmm...

I'm letting myself think that I might actually go full or close to full term with this lil one. And then he won't be such a lil one (in my mind)! I feel like I could actually have a normal sized baby, and won't know what to do with him! I'll take one look and ask, "Shouldn't he be potty trained by now?!"

So why the difference in all of this? God only knows that. But I think it's definitely a combination of all things considered. I'm not working (for pay!) which eleviates a lot of stress and busyness. I'm getting acupunture treatments for blood pressure from a local chiropractor- who is incredible! I have a LOT of people praying for me and Isaiah! I had been attending a yoga class once a week (but the session is over now- boo.) And although it sounds corny and cheesy, I'm self-talking a ton- thinking happy, calming thoughts and breathing deeply. Also, I think there is a big difference going from only one child to two vs. two children to three. Jonah and Phia play together and entertain each other all the time and it's great! It allows me to join in the fun, sporadically, and not have to entertain one child all of the time. (Jonah actually picked out Phia's clothes and helped her get dressed today- it was SO sweet! And the outfit was her 4th of July outfit that all matched and coordinated!)

So that's where we're at in this process of adding Mr. IJK to our family. He's going to be here before I know it. Oh! On that note, my doctor says that if all continues to go well, we'll schedule my c-section for the last week in October, probably the 30th. Of course, if things take a wild turn with BP or anything, we'll be completely flexible for him to come whenever. But with that said, we'll be having an October baby!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

In the Future

I was looking at the hutch in my kitchen tonight, staring at it with many thoughts swirling through my head. My first and foremost thought was, "In the future, my beautiful hutch that was given to us by Jeremiah's Grandpa, will not contain playdough, and 'Let's Go Fishin' game, and fingerpaints with a pad of special paper for the paints, and cheap shaving cream for playing with on a long winter's day..." And it got me to thinking about all the things that will be different in the future.
For example....

In the future, the front of my refrigerator won't have magnetic letters on it spelling, "Dig" and "Boy" and "Run" like they do at this moment.

In the future, I won't have little boy furniture as my bedroom furniture. I will have a new set, that was not my husband's from the time he was about 10 (grateful for that furniture as I am, otherwise my clothes would be in big Rubbermaid bins in my room).

In the future, there won't be small step stools in front of both sinks in the bathroom, that I constantly knock my shins on in the middle of the night.

In the future, I'll have a new couch in my basement family room. Not one that we took home, repaired, and vacuumed out all the goldfish and cheerios, after finding it, (lovingly mind you) by the side of the road with a sign that said, "Free."

In the future, there won't be Matchbox cars and squirt guns all over the living room floor, mixed in with the castle, princesses, and tea party utensils.

As I think about all these things that will be different, and for the split second that I WANT to be different, it makes me a little sad. The reality that these things will no longer be there, makes me want to savor the day. It makes me want to take pictures of messes and toys and dirty kids, because I'm told that these days go by very, very fast, and I'll want to look back and remember them. I want to look at my life and be pleased with all things surrounding it. And for the most part, I am, and I'm so grateful I can say that I am.

"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength." Philippians 4:11-13.

I am reading and pondering the words- the powerful words- of Paul, taking them to heart and cherishing what my circumstances and situation are today. I love my husband. I love my children. I love our life. I am content and at peace with exactly what we have and how the Lord has blessed us.