Sunday, November 6, 2016

Dear Wednesday, I Will Choose Joy.

Dear Wednesday November 9, 2016, You will be the day after this election.  The election season when pretty much NO ONE is excited about anything.  Everyone is tired, everyone is annoyed, everyone doesn't see how any good can come of anything.
But Wednesday November 9th, you will be a day when everyone finally sighs.  Some will sigh a sigh of relief because it's all over.  Some will sigh a sigh of fear because of who gets elected.  Some will sigh a sigh of anticipation at what the next POTUS will bring.  Some may even sigh a sigh of happiness.
Today I was reminded of two things, the first of which is something I've been saying over and over in my head for weeks... even months.
1. God is still God and He will not be surprised at the outcome of this election.  He knows that many broken people are coming to the polls to vote for one of many broken people to lead this nation.  No POTUS has been perfect.  No POTUS has been righteous.  No POTUS will ever be any of these things.  As long as our nation (and all nations) want an earthly leader as opposed to the Sovereign Lord as their one and only leader, we will have broken and flawed individuals leading us.  That's just fact people. I'm coming to grips with what this will mean for the rest of my adult life, what this means for the longevity of my children's lives, and my grandchildren's lives, and their children's lives and so on.  And so this brings me to the second thing that I was reminded of...
2. On Wednesday November 9th, when regardless of who is elected, there will still be uncertainty and unrest, I am going to CHOOSE JOY!  Joy is so much more fun than anxiety.  Joy is so much more productive than worry.  Joy is so much better than anger.  Joy can be a choice.  I can choose to continue to focus my eyes on God, His Word, His peace, and His hope.  I can choose joy for so many reasons and that is what I am going to do.
When our new President and leaders take their seats, there will probably be things they do and say that I will most certainly disagree with. When this happens, I am going to CHOOSE JOY and do something good.  I will bring a meal to a person who does not have one.  Or I will give financially to a cause that is bringing broken people to a place of healing.  Or I will give bags of clothing to people who do not have enough, because my family has been blessed in receiving so much from others.  Or I will pay for someone's coffee in the line at Caribou (and not even on the "Drive Through Difference" day, folks!  Ha!).  Or I will invite a family or friend over for Sunday lunch after church.  I can say for certain that all of these things will bring me JOY and that is what I will choose.
So Wednesday November 9th, 2016, you will not have any power over me.  Joke's on you kid.  Take that. Boom.  Mike drop.  
Sincerely, The Me-and-JOY-are-gonna-be-walking-hand-in-hand-and-ain't-nobody-gonna-stop-us Girl            

Sunday, June 26, 2016


Today at church I was immensely moved.  The Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge Choir was there to give their testimonies, to sing and to worship with us.  It was beautiful.  I cannot express the deep recognition of redemption there was in the morning.  The word "beauty" doesn't even come close to describing the time.

As they recounted lives that started both as wonderful and horrible, but either turned horrible or continued on the path of destruction.  They talked of addiction and dependence on drugs and alcohol and my brain and heart couldn't help but to connect with them.  I'm only one generation away from  some of the same destruction.  Both of my grandfathers left a deep legacy and imprint of alcoholism.  Neither of them are talked of in high regards and I understand why.  The destruction that drugs and alcohol cause and the stronghold they have on families for generations is a weight that is oppressive.

My parents were pattern-breakers and new-path makers.  They were bold and real about the alcoholism that runs in our family.  They were insistent that I know that it is something that I could have a strong tendency for.  They were smart in how they approached the issue with me.  I was knowledgable about what drugs and alcohol could do to my life.  I was aware of how the pattern was not very far away from me in history.  I am reminded of desperation when I see other relatives struggle with addictions, depression, mental illness, and drug & alcohol destruction in their lives.

But I'm reminded so heavily of God's GREAT story of redemption and deliverance. We all struggle with our own "demons."  Sin is something that grips each and every one of us.  It was SO comforting to be reminded, today, that all of us need to daily lay down ourselves and let the Lord fill the hole in our hearts that only He can.  To be reminded that we have a God who loves us and wants to see restoration in Him.  To bring families back to Him and bind them with His cords that cannot be broken.

The enemy has come to steal, kill, and destroy.  I am eternally grateful that I have parents who were determined that the enemy would have NO stronghold over me, like he had over my grandfathers.  But I am even more grateful that I have a Lord and a Savior who from the time I was born, called and whispered my name, to come to Him and rest in the knowledge of His saving love.  I'm grateful that my own testimony does not include a stronghold of drugs and alcohol, because I'm human and could have just as easily been pulled into that world of hurt.  I'm grateful that my testimony might seem boring to others.  I'm grateful that my testimony does not hold depths that are at the bottom.  I'm grateful for those who have hit the bottom and turned to the Lord, seeking deliverance from the pits.  I'm grateful that they can share their stories with others and help those who are at bottom.  I'm grateful that Jesus Christ came to this earth to seek and save the lost.  Because at one point or another we were or are all lost and need to be found and saved.  

Friday, May 27, 2016

Feeling All the Feels

Lots of feels going on over here these weeks.  Last night Isaiah had his school program.  The Kindergarteners were OVER-THE-TOP cute.  CUTE.  With all their "Boom! Boom! Ain't it Great to be Crazy"'s and their "Que Sera Sera"'s.  Who could stand it?  The program was entitled, "Love You Forever" and followed the story from the book.  Each grade sang a song that went along with the progression of the book.  I can't even.

And then... AND THEN... their music teacher had asked parents to email her a picture of the kid with their parent(s).  And then she did a slideshow with them.  Now press play on the video below, just to listen to the words of the song, it's not the slideshow she did, and read the rest of the blog.

The slideshow of parents taking selfies with their kids or family pictures of the fam while all the kids sang the Coldplay song, "Fix You"... you know the one that goes, "Lights will guide you home..."  and all the kids had little flashlights that they did choreographed movements with. {sidenote on that song... Isaiah calls it "Lights Will Guide Your Bones" because the words go, "Lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones."  I laugh every time he mentions the song.}

All of this was especially emotional for me since Isaiah is going to join the older two at home next year and we will be homeschooling all of them.  And so when they sang the words, "Lights will guide you home,"  I was pretty much a fountain of tears.  I'm a fountain of tears just listening to the music, remembering last night, and typing this.  And ya know... when the lyrics say, "Tears streaming down your face..."  it's all just too much...  TOO MUCH PEOPLE!!!

And then if that wasn't enough, Principal Louwagie said that the middle school students had asked if they could sing "The Blessing Song" over Ms. Gorton (the long term music substitute who rescued the music program the last half of the school year).  Que the tears AGAIN!  All the kids raised their hands to her and sang "The Blessing Song" over her.  And I didn't expect it, but Aphia raised her hand and sang along too.

I am so very grateful that God has called us to homeschool our kids.  I feel extremely privileged that I get that honor.  But we also love St. Francis Xavier School.  It is going to be tough next year, not having a connection there.  Jonah started pre-school there and we have had a child in elementary school or pre-school there for the past 6 years.

Jonah is finished with 5th grade in just days from now.  All he has left is 5 math lessons, and I told him that once they are finished, he's DONE.  DONE WITH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL.  Jeremiah and I are going to take him to the sushi restaurant here in town (because he LOVES sushi!) and have a little celebration night with him.  But there will be no tears that night, because it's not one of those ceremonies where I would do that, ya know?  And I think that's ok for now.  I need this to be an exciting time... a moving-on of sorts.  I told Jeremiah that God called us to homeschool because my psyche and emotions couldn't handle all of the "graduations" that schools put on for the kids.  I'd have a perpetual headache from all the tears.  I've decided that I will never grant my children all the credits that they need to finish middle and high school.  I'll always hold one credit hostage so they CAN NEVER LEAVE ME!!!!

Thank the Lord that Aphia has no big things this year.  I would crawl into a hole and die.

Happy Friday.    

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Yes, Please Slow Down

We were done!  It was a glorious night of Awana Awards and the year of flexibility was over.  For those of you who don't know, our church was under a major construction project all year (and still is!) This caused our Awana program, for which I am the Commander of, to put on it's "flexibility hat" and go through the year, not knowing what things we might encounter during any given Sunday.

The Leadership Team had endured, showed up, championed the program, and continued to pour their hearts into the lives of well-over-a-hundred preschool and elementary kids. They were the rockstars that kept that canoe rowing.  They may not have known where their small group would meet until moments before needing to be there, but they never skipped a beat.  The kids felt secure and safe, knowing that their leaders had their backs.

I was in "Commander" mode during the Awards ceremony.  I hand my own kids their Awards, just as I hand them to all the other students.  I kind of detach myself and do my job during Awana.  It's a hard reality to look back on, but it is what it is.  This is all we know.

And now, it was all done.  Done.  Breathe big sigh of relief for a year well played.  But as I sat on the stairs in our home, I looked over at Jonah in his Awana jersey.  It hit me, he would take it off in a few minutes and put on his pajamas and head to bed.  And he wouldn't ever put that shirt back on.  He was done.  He was done with Awana.  How could this be?!  Wasn't I just sitting with him, wishing he was a little older so we could START Awana?  I wanted to help with the Awana program at church and wanted him to be older so I could volunteer, but with questions of apprehension swirling in my head like, "Would they need me?  Would they want me?  Would I be good enough to volunteer?"  I guess I really didn't need to think or worry about those things, given the current situation.  :)

Jonah started as a Cubbie at age 3.  He worked through Cubbies, through Sparks, through T&T, memorizing hundreds of Bible verses, doing Bible study and investigation, and completing tasks helping him to grow and build his faith.  And now he was finished.  I looked at him and my world suddenly gripped me.  How was he done?  How did we FLY through these 8 years?

I've been lamenting the days when my kids were little-little.  When they couldn't say their R's and said motodacka instead of motorcycle.  I always seemed to have a way of wishing my life was about 5 years in the future.  Now Timehop has a way of making me wish I was about 5 years in the past.

I found this song yesterday, by Nichole Nordeman.  She has been one of my favorite Christian artists for well over 10 years.  She wrote this song for her son who just completed 5th grade.  I watched and listened to it.  And I UGLY CRIED.  U.G.L.Y.  It's spot on.  Jonah's not done and gone.  I still have 7 years to go with him at home.  But I'm identifying with this song in that I just need things to Slooooooooooow Dowwwwwwnnnnnn.

So, this Mother's Day weekend, this is for all you mamas who just need the time to just slow down. Who just need to be able to enjoy a few moments and trap them in your memories and smile.  
Happy Mother's Day beautiful Mama's, near and far.