Sunday, November 6, 2016

Dear Wednesday, I Will Choose Joy.

Dear Wednesday November 9, 2016, You will be the day after this election.  The election season when pretty much NO ONE is excited about anything.  Everyone is tired, everyone is annoyed, everyone doesn't see how any good can come of anything.
But Wednesday November 9th, you will be a day when everyone finally sighs.  Some will sigh a sigh of relief because it's all over.  Some will sigh a sigh of fear because of who gets elected.  Some will sigh a sigh of anticipation at what the next POTUS will bring.  Some may even sigh a sigh of happiness.
Today I was reminded of two things, the first of which is something I've been saying over and over in my head for weeks... even months.
1. God is still God and He will not be surprised at the outcome of this election.  He knows that many broken people are coming to the polls to vote for one of many broken people to lead this nation.  No POTUS has been perfect.  No POTUS has been righteous.  No POTUS will ever be any of these things.  As long as our nation (and all nations) want an earthly leader as opposed to the Sovereign Lord as their one and only leader, we will have broken and flawed individuals leading us.  That's just fact people. I'm coming to grips with what this will mean for the rest of my adult life, what this means for the longevity of my children's lives, and my grandchildren's lives, and their children's lives and so on.  And so this brings me to the second thing that I was reminded of...
2. On Wednesday November 9th, when regardless of who is elected, there will still be uncertainty and unrest, I am going to CHOOSE JOY!  Joy is so much more fun than anxiety.  Joy is so much more productive than worry.  Joy is so much better than anger.  Joy can be a choice.  I can choose to continue to focus my eyes on God, His Word, His peace, and His hope.  I can choose joy for so many reasons and that is what I am going to do.
When our new President and leaders take their seats, there will probably be things they do and say that I will most certainly disagree with. When this happens, I am going to CHOOSE JOY and do something good.  I will bring a meal to a person who does not have one.  Or I will give financially to a cause that is bringing broken people to a place of healing.  Or I will give bags of clothing to people who do not have enough, because my family has been blessed in receiving so much from others.  Or I will pay for someone's coffee in the line at Caribou (and not even on the "Drive Through Difference" day, folks!  Ha!).  Or I will invite a family or friend over for Sunday lunch after church.  I can say for certain that all of these things will bring me JOY and that is what I will choose.
So Wednesday November 9th, 2016, you will not have any power over me.  Joke's on you kid.  Take that. Boom.  Mike drop.  
Sincerely, The Me-and-JOY-are-gonna-be-walking-hand-in-hand-and-ain't-nobody-gonna-stop-us Girl            

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