Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Resolved (and an Isaiah update!)

(I'm not sure why there are goofy links on some random words in this post, but I didn't do that, and I can't figure out how to make the blog knock it off. So don't click on them.)

In the past couple of weeks, much has been resolved with our little Princess.

Going back, you might remember the post I had (I wish I was savvy enough to know how to link you to that old post... maybe someone can tell me) about her and her breath holding. Well we talked to her pediatrician a while back and right off the bat Dr. N pinpointed exactly what we were describing as "breath holding spells." She gave me an info sheet on them and what I read was Aphia TO THE T! What she does is most definitely a behavior issue rather than a medical one. Our info sheet said that these spells "are not dangerous, and they don't lead to epilepsy or brain damage." It also said under the treatment part, "Have your child lie flat to increase blood flow to the brain. Apply cold washcloth to your child's forehead until she starts breathing again. Give your child a brief hug and go about your business. A relaxed attitude is best. If you are frightened, don't let your child know it. If your child had a temper tantrum because she wanted her way, don't give in after the attack."

Aphia has not had a breath holding spell since I posted about it last time. I've seen her get so upset that she could possibly go into one, but if I'm able to keep her talking, telling me the problem she keeps breathing and it helps work on communication skills. It is a huge peace to have the knowledge that there is nothing wrong medically.

Next up: the potty accidents. She has been potty trained for a long time, but was having bouts of accidents. She would be totally fine for weeks, no accidents and then all of a sudden, she would wet herself constantly! And I mean wet, wet. Not some little pst. I was getting VERY frustrated! Brought her in to see Dr. N, once again and we were able to deduce that there was indeed no UTI or bladder infection, but rather her bowel was so full of POOP that it was pushing on her bladder, leading her to not being able to control that. Poor girl! Stop being so retentive! When she gets backed up, it puts pressure on her bladder and she has accidents. Simple solution- poop and you will control your pee. Easy Peasy. (Except for when she gets so HOPPING mad, has a tantrum and is being disciplined... then she just wets herself to be a snot.)

And finally: Those HOPPING mad moments. We have had a few of these lately. Ok few is a small exaggeration. Let's see... she's awake for approximately 13 hours a day, except for naptime so 11. I'd say that for the last week or so 9 out of those 11 have been horrid with her. Gah! She has been R.I.D.I.C.U.L.O.U.S. On Saturday morning it all game to a big, old, nasty head. I literally threw my covers up over my head and hid, not wanting to get out of bed to deal with her AGAIN. LONG story short- in talking with my mom I was able to say, "By George, Watson, I think we have solved the mystery!" My mom suggested that it is her blood sugar levels. All of her big tantrums seem to happen when she is hungry. They almost always fall right before meal or snacktime. Since Saturday we have stayed on top of her eating habits, which are actually pretty healthy- Thank the Lord! We get breakfast right away, she has a mid morning snack and prompt lunch. After nap, I make sure that Jonah is playing downstairs so she can get up in peace and immediately have a snack. Occasionally we wait until Jeremiah gets home from work to have dinner together, but that is after 6:30 and so more often than not, I feed the kiddos before that. And by golly, since Saturday she has been a peach! Any glimmer of a tantrum is easily warded off with words and no screaming... On either of our parts :)

On Saturday I was able to take her out to lunch and shopping. We had a GREAT time. We needed that time with each other to remind each of us, that this past week is not going to be how our life is together. We do like each other and enjoy being together :)

God is always at work in my heart for various reasons. The relationship with my daughter will be an ongoing process of refining each of us- BY FIRE!

ISAIAH Update:
Today is a BIG day for our big boy! He has been fussy the past few days and I figured with all the drooling and rosy cheecks he was teething. Sure enough, today a little tiny bit of his first tooth popped through! Then a while later as he was laying on the floor, on his back, kicking away, I glanced over at him to see him on his tummy! I told Jonah and Aphia that he had rolled over on his own and Jonah said, "Well I guess he wanted to have some tummy time!"
(Jonah got his first tooth and rolled over all in the same day also- 6 days before he was 5 months old. Today is 4 days before Isaiah will be 5 months old.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We noticed the same thing with Joseph and the blood sugar. Bless those mothers - it was my mom who really pointed it out to me for the first time, too! I started making sure he had a healthy snack every couple of hours to keep the blood sugar up. Good luck! Hopefully you continue to see an improvement!
