Thursday, November 12, 2009

We've been up to...

We're adjusting just swimmingly to being a family of 5. I love it!
Here are some pictures of what we've been up to for the past two weeks or so.

Here's a picture that I took on November 1st. I did the same thing with Jonah and Aphia each month, to see their growth in the first year of Aphia's life. So each month I'll do this picture to see how the kids grow in comparison to one another.

Jonah was reading his Bible and asked if he could read to Isaiah. Since Jonah doesn't show a whole lot of interest in Isaiah, we were all over that.

Aphia is a little Mommy! Mimicking her own Mommy! Ha!

Is he not the best lookin' little man you ever laid eyes on?!

1 comment:

Rathlisberger Family said...

Oh my goodness, your children are so stinkin' cute! I can't wait to meet your little man.