The Kruger Family Easter!
I'm ready for more ribs Mom!
1. Finding Easter baskets with presents from the Easter Bunny!
2. Finding Easter eggs all around the house with jelly beans and M&M's inside (Aphia found one, and then each one after that was like a whole new surprise, "Anoner one Mommy!! Anoner one!!"
3. Having to eat all of our breakfast because Daddy told the kids that the Easter Bunny left him a note that said that the kids had to eat all of their breakfast before they could have candy. Jonah wanted to SEE this note and was very intent on quizzing Jeremiah about it, "Where did the Easter Bunny put the note? Did you see the Easter Bunny leave it for you? Are you SURE he left one for you, I can't find it."
4. Wonderful Easter Service at church, topping it off with the ending song being a song that I had been singing before church that morning, "My Redeemer Lives!"
5. Southern inspired Easter lunch at Grandma and Grandpa Wuollett's- bbq'd baby back ribs, coleslaw, garlic smashed potatoes, grilled asparagus, sweet tea and chess pie!
6. Fun visiting the Jasper's for dessert and to be able to see more family!
7. Getting home at a decent hour, watching "The Empire Strikes Back" with Jonah and heading to bed early :)
It was a great day of celebrating our Risen Jesus! Jonah LOVES saying, "He is Risen!" and having us respond with, "He is Risen Indeed!"
This is just a fun picture of Jonah and Daddy, riding on the "new to us" scooter, that Jeremiah got for free from work. 
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