As a mom (and well, just as a person in general) I do things that I thought I'd never do, I said I'd never do, and I never intended to do. Some things are choices and some are just plain, old, bonehead moves! The joy of this blog today is that I get to admit all those things in a funny way by saying that I didn't actually do them! If you want, you can pop on over to this blog: MckMama (the wonderful creator of "Not Me! Monday") and link up to more fun stories!
Onward we go with a handful of stories that I did "NOT" do!
This week, while working on organizing my pictures on my computer, I certainly did NOT press some combination of buttons that would flip my computer screen upside down! I did NOT freak out, yelling to Jeremiah, "Come quick, it's an emergency!" to which he just laughed at me and had no idea what I did or how to fix it. In a monumentous moment, I did NOT figure it out and was NOT very proud of myself, thinking that this would absolutely NOT be a fabulous April Fool's joke! Nope, not me!

In a moment of sheer motivation I did NOT decide that Aphia was completely done with her crib (we took the side off a couple weeks ago, and she's been doing fabulously!). I did NOT proceed to mentally rearrange the room, put up the bunk bed, clean it all out, and had it all done (in my head, mind you) until I realized that we did not yet own another mattress for her to actually sleep on, in her big girl bed, which we do own. Doh. The new mattress is NOT ordered and we will NOT be putting her in her big bed when it does NOT come!
I certainly did NOT say to Aphia after church last week, "Aphia let's take off your pretty dress before lunch, so you don't get it all messy." Only to look over, seeing that her daddy had NOT given her a tootsie roll, in which she was NOT drooling chocolate all over the white front of her pretty dress. I most certainly did NOT give my love the stink eye.
I, of course, NEVER take my eyes off my children and would have NEVER found Aphia pouring water (using Jonah's cup) from the big toilet into the kiddie potty, spilling water on the floor the whole way. This has NOT happened several times and I have NOT had to now lock the bathroom door, causing the older kids to have to ask me to unlock it every time they need to use the bathroom!
So how about you? Post a comment if you want and tell me some of the things you did NOT do this week!