Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas 2008

Here are pictures from Christmas Eve and the Christmas morning festivities at our house! This year we started our tradition that we will hold to for as long as our kids are kids, and maybe longer if they so choose. We will sleep in our own snuggly beds and wake up at our own snuggly house, to open presents from Santa and each other. But let me tell you that even though Santa brings stuff to our house, he kind of brings lame things (like socks, toothpaste, toothbrushes and a book). Mom and Dad were the ones who gave the cool stuff and got all the credit!!

We will then proceed to devour an entire pan of cinnamon rolls (yes, just with the four of us alone!)... if we have another child, I may have to make another pan!

The first two pictures are the children in their Christmas Eve attire, Jonah felt very handsome and Aphia kept running to her Daddy to show off her pretty dress and her curled hair!

This was from Christmas Day at Grama Lollie and Grampa Jeff's house.

The three days following Christmas we relaxed blissfully! We played with our toys, we watched movies, we ate cookies, we napped, we had fun together and loved it.

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