Sometimes my brain works at alarmingly fast speeds, thinking of at least 37 things at any given moment. I can frequently be found playing through scenarios that I might encounter, rearranging my house, *trying* to recite Bible verses, trying to remember what it was that Aphia has eaten that might have been out of the ordinary- that is causing the latest bout of constipation (and then remember that there is nothing out of the ordinary that does this to her, it's just her!). I try to figure out a time in the given day that I'm going to work on reading with Jonah, I think about many family and friends who I would love to sit and have a cup of coffee with and enjoy a nice, uninterrupted, adult conversation with, and I attempt to plan out the rest of my life- ALL IN MY HEAD... at any given moment.
Jeremiah says I think way too much. This might be true. Sometimes when I say to him, "What are you thinking?" he responds with, "Nothing." And it's TRUE! He just blanks out. I cannot do this... I don't understand it and I don't think I ever will. My mind is always turning, like a hamster's wheel.
Today is no different. Lots of stuff on the brain, stuff I have to do, stuff I want to do, stuff I don't want to do. It's a hodge podge mess of thoughts.
So here is a hodge podge mess of photos to go along with my scattered-thought-brain.
And other times she is the JOY of my life. I tell her "I need to change your diaper, so run to Mommy!!" She backs up, to get a good run going, and FLIES into my arms, with her miniature legs going at warp speed, laughing the whole way! And at bedtime, she folds her hands, ready for prayers, when we lay her down and goes through the list, naming those she wants to pray for- so tender and sweet.
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