Jonah's reactions to the take off, while looking out the window were as follows, "Wow! Mom, the people look like little dolls! And the houses look like doll houses! This is AMAZING!! Now can I watch a movie on the mini dvd player?

Below is Grandpa doing, "The Noble Duke of York" with Jonah!

Jonah snuggled up on his new girlfriend Bethany- move over Uncle Dave!!

Here is what we did a lot of the weekend- chilled and relaxed! It was SO GREAT! A true vacation!

Here is the fam at The Peabody Hotel in Downtown Memphis! We saw the family from the show, "Jon and Kate Plus 8" here!

On Friday night Dave, Liz, Jeremiah and I got to go out for dinner and drinks while Grandma and Grandpa lovingly babysat!!

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