Last Wednesday we got to welcome a new cousin into our family! Addison Grace Foskett was born to my Auntie Becca and Uncle Tim. We got to go to the hospital on Friday morning to see them, and then to their house on Saturday to see them again! I just love the "beebee!" so much! I love to kiss her, and wave "hi" to her, and smother her with love! Jonah likes to say, "Hi Buddy Boy," until Mommy reminds him that Addi is a girl. Then he just says, "Hi Buddy," in a really sweet, soft voice.
Here's some pictures of our visits with her!

Below is Jonah and Mommy talking to Addison Grace!

Here's Proud Uncle Jer, who only has nieces! But he loves them to bits!
Ok, now my mom has some things to say.
So on Friday we had to run to Old Navy to return some shoes I had gotten for Jonah.
Back up a couple steps and I need to tell you that occasionally, Jonah mixes up the words "dimple" and "nipple" and sometimes he says "nimple" for either one... ok, now you know this going to be funny!
So, back to Old Navy. Jonah puts his shoes up on the counter and says to the cashier, in his sweet 3 year old voice, "I'd like to return these shoes." She asks, "Do you have a receipt?" "Yes I do, right here," and he hands her the receipt. She smiles her big, dimpled smile and Jonah whips his head up to me with a big smile and says, "Mom! Does she have big nipples?!"
Now I'm not one for taking the Lord's name in vein, but "Oh God!" Quick NeeNee, THINK! "DIMPLES! Do you mean 'dimples' Jonah?" While pointing to my cheeks, to which he FORTUNATELY replies with an enthusiastic, "Yes!"
Just another "Mommy Moment" with the Jones.
Here are some more pictures of our walk to the park on Sunday. It was cloudy most of the day, so when the sun peaked out, we were out of the house and in the sun!

Finally a note another note about Jonah. I'm so proud of the way he gobbles up knowledge! He's in Cubbies for AWANA this year at church, and they have to memorize Bible verses. When I say, "Jonah, what's your Bible verse?" He replies with, "Genesis 1:31, All He had made was very good!" (paraphrased for little ones). He's great at memorization.
I've known that he's good with letters and words, memorization, and stuff like that. He knew all his letters by 2 1/2 and is starting to put sounds together to form words when he wants to spell something. It's pretty fun to watch and teach. He's also pretty darn good at writing, he can write his name, Aphia's, Mom, Dad, and he'll look up at the letters on the wall and copy ones to make what he thinks are words!
But lately he's been pretty into numbers too. We told him, "5 more minutes until bedtime," the other night. Then we said, "Ok it's been 3 minutes," to which he replied, "Ok, then 2 more minutes!" Jeremiah and I looked at each other, surprised! A minute later Jeremiah said, "Ok, it's been 4 minutes. How many more minutes?" To which Jonah promptly said, "One," like duh, Dad! I wondered if these were flukes, but I've been asking him a lot now, questions like those and he really knows and understands how to add and subtract small numbers like that!
Makes me proud as a mom :)
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