Monday, March 30, 2020

The Quarantine Post

As with pretty much everyone else, I've had a LOT of things swirling around in this lil brain of mine.  I'm nada special in this scenario.  We are all in this together and we are all experiencing something new. 
Some of us feel like we aren't doing anything different and it should be "business as usual"... IT AIN'T.  It is anything but business as usual.  Even if your particular circumstance of school, work or retirement hasn't changed, I can guarantee that other things around you, which affect you, have changed.  We are ALL dealing with "different" right now.  So I want to give a shout out to EVERYONE here!  Good JOB!  Keep up what you are doing... or for some of you, for what you are  not doing. 

This morning, I've been thinking a lot about what has happened in times of history and how it relates to today.  I was thinking about the memes, because they are LEGIT the things that are getting me through this time!  Follow the news?  No thanks, I'll just stay home, follow the rules, quarantined, and read funny memes.  I don't need to know the stats.  Tell me when it's May and I can come out of social isolation (that is if I haven't drown myself before that because this EXTROVERT is MISSING HER PEOPLE! P.S. Did you see the one that said, "Having trouble not leaving your house?  Try shaving your eyebrows. Problem solved." BEST.)  

Good gracious that was a sidetrack!  Anyways, I was thinking of some of the memes out there and I like the one that says, 

"Our parents and grandparents were called to war.  We have been called to stay home and lay on our couches watching netflix. Don't screw this up."  

And another one that said, 

"I felt so bad about all the seniors in high school who are missing out on their spring breaks, until my husband reminded me about many high school seniors during WWII and Vietnam, who spent their spring breaks in LITERAL COMBAT. Perspective."

While these scenarios are not true for everyone (because... essential workers!) it does put things into perspective.  And this is where I want to give the BIGGEST SHOUT OUT TO THE MEDICAL WORKERS!  They are our army right now.  They are putting their lives on the lines by going to work caring for the sick, the compromised, the elderly, etc.  They are literally walking into the virus, the war, with their armor on, because they took at oath to protect.  Both Jeremiah and I have SEVERAL health care workers on both sides of our family and we don't take lightly what health care workers are doing these days. 

So yes, while many of our parents and grandparents went to fight for freedom because they know the value of every single life, and for who I am EXTREMELY grateful, I want to say THANK YOU to our current front lines- the health care workers. They are our fighters!


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