Thursday, October 25, 2012

thoughts from a thursday

Lately lots of people have been asking me the question, "How are you?"  Don't get me wrong, it's not like this is an odd question, people ask it all the time and I don't think much about it.  But lately, before I answer, I've really been thinking about how I answer. 

I can honestly say that right now life is good in my own little bubble.  I hesistate to say that because I feel like as soon as I say that life is good and calm and normal, all H.E.Double Hockey Sticks is going to break loose.

But really, it's good.  It's normal.  It's drama-less.  That makes for a Happy NeeNee. 

This morning it was snowing here in the Buff (my affectionate name for Buffalo- teehee).  I grabbed my warm cup of chai in a mug made specially for me by a dear friend, went into one of the nursery rooms at church/work, pulled up a chair made for a mini person and looked out at the field.  It was so many things... Cold yet beautiful, blowing snow yet so still, baren trees yet an earth full of life.  I was warm and safe and talking with my Lord thanking Him for the peace in me and in our home, because all around us there are things falling apart.  Things from a really small scale to a really big scale.  

There are always things falling apart somewhere- that's the nature of our fallenness. It's not how God designed it or wanted it, but it's what humanity chose and we've made our bed so now we lay in it.  I believe He does all he can to lessen the blow of our stupid choices and the selfishness we have (which is really the root of pretty much any ickiness in life).  He's a GOOD GOD and He's just and loving and caring and a Father and wants us.  He wants US!  Even when we are morons, He still wants us.  How cool is that?  He still pursues us after every single time we wander away.  And then we try our darndest to try harder, to be better, to love Him and to love others more, to show grace and mercy and compassion.  And He's there every step of the way, encouraging us and cheering us on! 

So as I sat and looked out the window, I prayed.  I thanked Him for what I have and prayed for those who need more Jesus right now.  Prayed for situations of friends who need to let go of things that are not healthy or to be.  Prayed for friends who are seeking His plan for their lives and haven't been able to clearly see it yet.  Prayed for friends who are broken.  Prayed for friends who are trying to be strong for others.  Prayed against sadness.  Prayed against loneliness.  Prayed against angst.  Prayed for guidance.  Prayed for His peace to come down on those who seek it.

I'm blessed today.  I'm blessed every day.  To have life here on this earth and forevermore.

I love Fall.  I love the start of snuggle season.  I love the word "cozy" it makes me want to giggle!  I love the smell of autumn candles burning.  I love a warm cup of coffee or chai.  I love to sit and look out the window at the winter to come.  It's our chance and season to slow. 

Praying that you will be able to slow down this season and enjoy what God has given you.  Take a moment to thank Him for it.  To listen to His voice telling you, "I love you.  I care for you.  I want you. You are treasured."


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