Friday, November 16, 2012
The post where I go all "capsy"
The past two weeks I feel like I've been BOMBARDED with how full of crap and trash our society is.
We all know I wasn't thrilled with the outcome of the Presidential election, but that's basically the least of it.
1. I'm saddened that just because of how people "feel," our state is deciding that they can leave the door open to changing the definitions of words if they want to. What?! Who does that? A spade is a spade is a spade is a spade. A spade is not a heart. A spade is not a diamond. It's....wait for it... a spade. There are reasons it's a spade. There are origins of it being a spade. And just because society says, "We kinda want a spade to now be a spade AND a heart," doesn't mean that we make it both. If peeps want to make up another word for this thing that's a spade & heart- go for it.
2. The states of Colorado and Washington decide that recreational marijuana is now legal. Again what?! And how does that fit in with the fact that (I believe) it's federally illegal. All you Colorado snowboarders can now be high on the mountains, but if you want to drink soda in NY- think twice!
3. I just read an article about transgendered people being allowed in locker rooms with the gender that they identify with. WHAT?! So now if I bring my daughter (who is a female, born with female genitalia) into the women's locker room with me so that we can change to go into the pool at the gym, she can be faced with a grown male's genitalia??? That's disgusting! And LIKE I want to see some other-than-my-husband's junk! YEAH RIGHT! EW. And who says that all these transgendered people (I don't even know if I'm supposed to call them men or women- how whacked out is that?!) who identify as women, but have male parts are actually being truthful? What about the CREEPY CREEPY pedophile who wants to go in and see little girls (or a dude who wants to see grown women) naked? AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! I want to pull my hair out.
4. Another article I just started reading included a pamphlet from International Planned Parenthood. It made my want to BARF. It talked about the sexuality of "young people." I thought, "How young are these people? 18-21? 18-25?" NOPE. These "young people" are not even adults. Our society says that minors (and even adults ages 18-21) cannot consume alcohol, BUT they should be able to express themselves sexually in any way they want as long as the other person is ok with it??? This is BOGUS. We don't let people under 21 drink booze because they can't handle the consequences. THEY AREN'T MATURE ENOUGH. But we think that young people, under the age of 18, are mature enough to make smart choices about having sex??? OH. MY. GOODNESS. How dilisional is our society? There are SSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOO many consequences to "exploring sexuality" no matter what age, let alone some kid whose hormones are already going nuts and can hardly even make a clear & wise decision on what clothes to wear. My heart hurts at the thought that people think this is wise.
Should we talk about sexuality to our young people? OF COURSE. ABSOLUTELY. Should we encourage them to go explore it and try it out and see how it feels at these young ages? NO WAY. How stupid are people that they believe this is a good idea? As a parent, I'm OUTRAGED.
I am SO sick and sad that my kids are going to grow up in a world that tells them these HUGE lies. That there aren't really consequences for our actions and even if there are, there's always an easy fix or "solution" to them. Sad. Sad. Sad.
5. Finally. I was just watching "Katie" and she had Dr. Phil on the show- who I generally like. She also had this other guy on who founded some website for people who are married who want to have affairs. He said that there was a market for it because the other dating websites had 30% of people on there that were married already. First of all, that's sick. Second of all, you're going to capitalize on that?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!?!?! And he thinks that THIS is not going to tear down the structure of marriage and family? What a complete idiot!
The dude said that so many affairs were committed on Monday mornings because so many weekends were filled with unmet expectations. Probably true. I believe it. But WHAT IN THE H.E.DOUBLE-HOCKEY-STICKS happened to personal responsibility? How about instead of always focusing on ones own expectations not being met, trying to meet the expectations of the other? How about being the FIRST one to turn the marriage around? How about being the FIRST one to take the step towards a spouse instead of waiting for THEM? What happened to "change starts with me"? Marriages around the globe fail because of pure selfishness.
Love starts as a feeling, a super awesome, amazing feeling. But it often times turns to the mature choice that people make when the initial feeling goes away or seems less than brilliant anymore. We make the choice to show love, even when it doesn't seem to come naturally. THAT is what love is!!! It's choosing to put the other person's wants, needs, desires in front of our own or even in front of our own "what I would or wouldn't normally do." Sometimes I really don't want to stay up and watch a movie with my man because I'm super tired, but guess what, he really likes it when I sit next to him, snuggled up to watch a movie. So I watch the movie and snuggle up by him. Sometimes I get really excited about something and he (in case you didn't know) doesn't always show excitement in the same way that I do. But he knows that when he pretends to get all giddy and excited it makes me smile and laugh so he does it... for me... because he knows it makes me feel loved and attended to.
Wake up world. Things that "feel" good are not always the right things. Truth is... the right thing is always THE thing to do. Sometimes we need to go against the grain of what "feels" right and and do what IS right.
Ok, now that my blood pressure is probably 190/100 I need to relax and go enjoy a lil Curious George with my lil buddy who just woke up from his nap.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
thoughts from a thursday
I can honestly say that right now life is good in my own little bubble. I hesistate to say that because I feel like as soon as I say that life is good and calm and normal, all H.E.Double Hockey Sticks is going to break loose.
But really, it's good. It's normal. It's drama-less. That makes for a Happy NeeNee.
This morning it was snowing here in the Buff (my affectionate name for Buffalo- teehee). I grabbed my warm cup of chai in a mug made specially for me by a dear friend, went into one of the nursery rooms at church/work, pulled up a chair made for a mini person and looked out at the field. It was so many things... Cold yet beautiful, blowing snow yet so still, baren trees yet an earth full of life. I was warm and safe and talking with my Lord thanking Him for the peace in me and in our home, because all around us there are things falling apart. Things from a really small scale to a really big scale.
There are always things falling apart somewhere- that's the nature of our fallenness. It's not how God designed it or wanted it, but it's what humanity chose and we've made our bed so now we lay in it. I believe He does all he can to lessen the blow of our stupid choices and the selfishness we have (which is really the root of pretty much any ickiness in life). He's a GOOD GOD and He's just and loving and caring and a Father and wants us. He wants US! Even when we are morons, He still wants us. How cool is that? He still pursues us after every single time we wander away. And then we try our darndest to try harder, to be better, to love Him and to love others more, to show grace and mercy and compassion. And He's there every step of the way, encouraging us and cheering us on!
So as I sat and looked out the window, I prayed. I thanked Him for what I have and prayed for those who need more Jesus right now. Prayed for situations of friends who need to let go of things that are not healthy or to be. Prayed for friends who are seeking His plan for their lives and haven't been able to clearly see it yet. Prayed for friends who are broken. Prayed for friends who are trying to be strong for others. Prayed against sadness. Prayed against loneliness. Prayed against angst. Prayed for guidance. Prayed for His peace to come down on those who seek it.
I'm blessed today. I'm blessed every day. To have life here on this earth and forevermore.
I love Fall. I love the start of snuggle season. I love the word "cozy" it makes me want to giggle! I love the smell of autumn candles burning. I love a warm cup of coffee or chai. I love to sit and look out the window at the winter to come. It's our chance and season to slow.
Praying that you will be able to slow down this season and enjoy what God has given you. Take a moment to thank Him for it. To listen to His voice telling you, "I love you. I care for you. I want you. You are treasured."
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
No! Where is the umbrella?
Isaiah: "Dad, where is the umbrella?" (speaking about the big umbrella that goes over our patio table)
Jeremiah: "It broke."
Isaiah: "Where is the umbrella?'
Jeremiah: "It broke."
Isaiah: "NO! Where IIIIISSSS the umbrella?"
Jeremiah: "I don't think you understand what I'm saying. It's broken."
Me: "No, honey, I don't think YOU understand what HE'S asking. He said WHERE is the umbrella. Not what happened to it. Please tell him it's in the fire pit for us to burn since it broke."
Jeremiah: "It's in the fire pit so we can burn it because it broke in the storm the other night."
Isaiah: "Ok." (walks away, content)
Whew. That was painful.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
- Today there is a funeral here at church. A young man whose father is VERY involved at our church passed away last week, suddenly. I'm not sure on the details, don't need to be, but it is very heart wrenching. I walked by the Worship Center a bit ago and saw the casket with the young gentleman there, with his dad sitting by him, holding his hand. My heart ACHED. I cannot imagine losing a child, at ANY age. My prayers are with the family at this time, for peace, comfort, and feeling the presence of the Lord.
-This past weekend we were able to go down to Stewartville where Jeremiah's brother, sister-in-law and our nieces live. We got to go down to celebrate Hannah and Emily making the choice to be baptized. What a JOYOUS day that was! Ironically (considering the last paragraph), their church is called New Life Church. It was a beautiful morning full of new life in Jesus, celebrated by 4 beautiful, Jesus-loving gals. I cried through the entire service. It was small and intimate and lovely and spirit-filled and overwhelming and blessed. I love our church home and our church family, but it was incredible to be in a small congregation (that was mostly our relative family), worshiping with them. To celebrate the decision that our nieces made to follow Jesus all of their days and to commit that before friends and family made my heart burst with joy.
-The arm. Aphia's arm. Oy. Long story. Broken arm, health insurance not kicked in until June 1st. Still making the choice to choose quality care for her and feeling good about that decision. Praising God for a "minor" break (if a break can be minor) and for a WATERROOF cast. Man, even though it costs more it is SO worth it to get a waterproof cast for a kid. I cannot stress that enough. Knowing that God always provides manna for us, daily bread. Just what we need for today, no more, no less. Praying about being content with that and feeling loved that we are so very cared for by Him.
-Misophonia. Miso coming from the greek "to hate" and phonia coming from the greek "sound"- literally translates to "hatred of sounds." I am diagnosable ;) I'm not just nuts. I saw a segment about this on the show 20/20 last Friday night. I called my mom immediately and told her to watch. She and I agreed whole-heartedly that this describes me, to a degree.
This is what Wikipedia had to say about it:
Symptoms: People who have misophonia are most commonly annoyed, or even enraged, by such ordinary sounds as other people eating, breathing, or coughing; certain consonants; or repetitive sounds. People with misophonia may be diagnosed with mood or anxiety disorders as well as obsessive-compulsive disorder. Though a few sufferers are bothered by sounds they make themselves, most are not. The reactions are completely involuntary. People who have misophonia may also be annoyed by other people's repetitive movements, such as leg-tapping, nail-biting, the rising and falling of the belly, and typing. Sensitivity to these sounds tends to be exacerbated by stress, hunger, or fatigue. The onset of the symptoms appears to have a characteristic pattern, often in childhood just prior to or during puberty. Often there is a single initial trigger (such as a parent's or sibling's noises), after which the triggers expand over time to include both auditory or visual elements. It is speculated that there is a genetic basis for this disorder as the etiological data supports a similar pattern of emergence, but this remains to be determined.
Coping Methods & Treatment: People with misophonia use various coping methods. Most will simply avoid the offending sound by leaving the area altogether, while some will try to block it with earplugs or music. Intense anxiety and avoidant behavior may develop. Some people may feel the compulsion to mimic what they hear. In more extreme cases, sufferers will not socialise for fear of hearing the sounds. It is important to note that sensitivity to the offending sounds is often far more severe when the origin of the sound comes from a person emotionally connected to the sufferer.
Now, I wouldn't say I'm an extreme case of this, but I'm a case that's for sure! It completely explains the fact that I completely failed a Social Studies test in 9th grade because I couldn't read the questions because the girl behind me was chewing and snapping her gum. I thought my head was going to explode and it took everything in me to not turn around and slam her head into her desk. I know that sounds
I knew and know that everyone has pet peeves. I get that. I just thought that mine were really bad and it was just my thorn to bear. And to an extent that's the truth. There's not much one can do about this. I find it interesting when it says that "some people may feel the compulsion to mimic what they hear." I TOTALLY DO THAT! If Jeremiah wants to eat chips while we're watching a movie, it's all good. All I have to do is eat a chip at the exact same time as him, then my own crunching drowns out his and I'm good. I may be completely focused on him and not the movie, but oh well. If someone is chewing gum, all I have to do is pop a piece in my mouth and chew it louder (and I may, just may, chew it really obnoxiously because I'm so annoyed). If someone is tapping their foot, I just tap mine bigger and louder for a few seconds and then I feel better! It's like I just had to "get that out."
I don't feel quite so bad that I literally wanted to punch my brothers in the face all the time, when I was a teenager. It's a medical condition you know. ;) Ok for real. I'm not going to use that as a crutch or anything. It just helps me to recognize that I'm not competely alone, psycho, violent, and that I'm an island of crazy weirdoness.
-D.R. We've been doing the Dave Ramsey, Finanical Peace University class at church for the past 13 weeks. It's amazing. We "graduated" last night. I highly recommend it to anyone at any stage of life, but especially to anyone who is post-high school or newly engaged/married. I feel like it's stuff we all "know" but it gives you the solid, practical tools to put into place in attaining complete financial peace. Do Jeremiah and I have that yet? Not completely, but we will. Of that I'm certain. It's not a sprint, it's a marathon. And it's probably one of the only ones I'll run (besides marriage and parenting) that I'll run in my life.
-Garage Sale. I'm having a garage sale with three amazing friends this week. That's a whole lot of work. But hey, it comes at just the right time, when we're about to receive a bill from a certain little girls bright pink cast! Daily bread... He always provides and I love that.
-VBS. It's coming! I love it! I'm overjoyed to be in the position I am and be able to direct a week of pre-school Vacation Bible School! Jeremiah is taking the week off from work again to teach. This year I'm much more prepared than last year and I'm looking forward to being able to spend our afternoons and evenings together as a family on our VBS Staycation.
-My parents. For 13 weeks, they've been attending the Dave Ramsey class with us. For 13 weeks they have come out to our house before class to spend time with me and the kiddos and they always bring us dinner. Have I ever told you how good of a cook my dad is? Well HE IS. What a blessing having time with them each week has been. W.O.W. I'm so grateful for my relationship with them and the love they give to my kids and to me! I'm one fortunate daughter!!
-Babies! I'm so excited for all the babies that are going to be born in the next few months. I get to be a new auntie to my brother and sister-in-law!! But I'm also in thought over friends that have struggled to be mommies and have lost babies along the way. It's a pulled kind of feeling in my heart and head.
And I think that's about all for now. I think I got a lot of it out there. Those are my ramblings for today. I'll leave you with a special benediction: "May the Lord lift up your life!" to which you respond with, "And up yours also!" Bwaaa Ha Ha!!! Peace out.
Monday, April 9, 2012
First, Second, Third, Raspberry Turd
Saturday, February 25, 2012
San Diego 2012
Here are Becca and Ryan when they first saw each other at the pre-wedding brunch.
Listening to some warm words from a loved one to the almost-newlyweds.
Watching her Mama get into her beautiful dress and ready for the wedding!
Introducing the Man of the Hour!
Like I said, the wedding was gorgeous! What a delightful, joyful, cheerful day full of happiness. It was a day that I believe was truly smiled upon by God!
The next two days we got to relax and enjoy some sunny weather- aaaahhhhh....
We layed by the pool, read, napped, sat in the hot tub, ate leftovers from the pre-wedding brunch (my favorite leftovers in the world... crab legs, jumbo shrimp, smoked salmon... mmmm....), went down to Mission Beach and walked along the surf and out onto the pier, went up to La Jolla for dinner and a movie. Our time together was SO nice. But it was really nice to get back home to the kiddos. 5 days away from them is really my limit. What a blessing the entire 5 days was though. Every so often, I would look around and just revel in my thankful and gratefulness to the Lord. I cannot be thankful enough for times like this, with amazing family, beautiful accomodations, blissful weather, and time alone with my man!
Like I said to them tonight, Thanks to Becca and Ryan for getting married so we could go to San Diego for a wedding and a vacation! :)
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Back from Copper!
Anywho! We're back from Colorado where we spent a week with JJ's family, skiing, relaxing, eating, hot tubbing, watching movies, reading and visiting together.
A few things I learned on our trip and then the pictures!
1. I really enjoy driving in the quiet and dark of the night or very early morning. I especially like when I can set my cruise at 75 mph, drive super straight and flat through Nebraska and not turn the cruise off for over 2.5 hours. Me likey.
2. I like curves that go to the right as opposed to curves that go to the left.
3. I like when people turn off their highbeams when they are approaching me.
4. I feel bad that I often forget to do the latter. (What can I say? I grew up in the suburbs! We didn't use our brights on highways... only on neighborhood streets)
5. I do not like straight line winds and sleet while driving through Nebraska.
6. I like powdery ski hills, not ones that don't have much snow, have rocks showing, and are icy.
7. I LOVE sitting in the hot tub overlooking mountains and beautiful little villages below.
8. Being willing to "Tebow" in the hot tub for another group that was doing a scavanger hunt will earn you a bottle of wine.
9. My eldest son is very sweetly sensitive. When his cousins were complaining about him coughing in the night he left the room and went and slept under the stairs with only his pillow and nigh-night (blankie).
10. My daughter is occasionally more concerned about if she looks cute on the hill as opposed to how she'll do on the hill.
11. My son rarely lacks for confidence. He told me this on the 4th day of skiing, "Mom, this vacation is going so fast! Just like 10 seconds ago, I didn't know how to ski. And now... I'm a GREAT skiier!"
12. I love my family and the blessings that they are to me!!