So my bloggy friend MckMama (www.mckmama.com) has a new post up called "Out of the Mouths of Moms" like the button above says.
I'm gonna do an "Out of the Mouths of Moms" post here, because I think I say pretty funny stuff to my kids sometimes... if someone were to walk in just as I was saying them and not know what's going on. So here we go. These are for-real quotes from yours truly to my kiddos:
"I think that if I whistled, it would sound the same as a midget, yes."
"I'm sorry you think her singing is 'actually really obnoxious,' she can still sing"
"No, you can't have Isaiah's poopy diaper for an experiment."
"Take your Turd with you when you go down to the lake so you don't lose him."
"Please take your polar bear out of the freezer."
"Please don't stand on the deck naked like that."
"Please take the counting bears out of the toilet."
"The words to the song are, 'Say what you need to say,' not "Sandwich needs to say.'"
**And my personal favorite (not-so-much funny, but STILL my favorite!):
"That's right Buddy, if you saw Jesus walking on the water and he told you to walk out to him, you could. Because you're absolutely correct when you say, 'If he says it, it will happen.'"
How about you? Say anything funny to your kids lately?
Hop over to MckMama's blog and check out what others have said to their kids! I was laughing so hard at some of them I was crying!

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