"Who is she talking to in the family room?" I asked my mom about my sister, Gina, when I was sitting in their kitchen earlier today. I could hear her having a full on conversation, knowing full well that she was alone in the room. "It must be Miss Patsy." "Oh, of course!" I thought, that makes perfect sense, knowing that Gina's boyfriend's mom, Miss Patsy, lives approximately 1000 miles away.
It is the way of the Jetsons and we are actually living it.

LIVING IT! Crazy. Amazing. Astonishing. Wonderful. Nuts. Flabbergasting. The picture above of Jane would not make any 16 year old kid bat an eye. They might even wonder why there is a cord that is connected to Jane's monitor. How inconvenient!
My sister and her boyfriend, Chase, have been dating cross-country for over 2 years. They are 17. They met each other while each was on vacation in Branson, Missouri, he from Louisiana and her from Minnesota. They have been able to keep in touch via cell phone, text, email, Myspace, Facebook, traveling here and there a few times, and now Skype. It is very incredible to me.
They live hundreds of miles apart and the other night they actually watched a movie "together." They connected via skype, popped in their dvd's and snuggled up virtually, on their own respective couches. Now this is the kind of dating my dad and any other father would love for his 17 year old daughter! They talked and laughed simultaneously through the movie, just as if they were actually there with each other. Again, mind blowing to me.
I know that many, many people connect through Skype everyday. This is sooooo not new to some of my peeps. It is simply awesome, and who'd-a-thunk that in my day we would actually be living in the way of the Jetsons. Now if I could only get Jeremiah to really use his connections with Honda to get me ASIMO (the Honda robot) as my own personal Rosie...

{drifts off to fantasy dream world where my floors are washed, toilets are gleaming, clothes are folded and put away, meals are cooked all while I am outside playing with my children}
1 comment:
If it makes you feel better, I've never Skyped either. In fact, I'm kind of scared of it!
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