Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Easter Fun!

We had a marvelous Easter Sunday! The kids woke up and wanted to immediately look for their Easter baskets. Jonah said to me the day before, "Mom, don't hide it behind the couch, that's too easy!" So I was trickier this year and we had to play the "hot & cold game" for him to find it. It was in the oven. Now this produced a new dilemma for The Sheriff. He knows he is not allowed to touch or go in the oven, so when he realized it was in there, it took a good minute before he worked up the gumption to actually put his hand on the handle and pull it open to reveal his basket! I thought it was quite comical! He is my rules boy 'til the end!

We had carmel rolls and cinnamon rolls for breakfast and went to late church. They both wanted to be in the sanctuary, so we let them. Aphia actually sat better than Jonah did! She ate graham crackers and drew in her new notebook for the entire sermon. Jonah was a bit more squirrely but caught the part where, "That guy [pointing to our pastor] said he doesn't think we're all going to die! [making a point about how he believes that the rapture will happen soon and very soon!]" Then he pointed to him again and waved his finger in the "No, no." way because he uses a lot of "sign language" in church so he is quiet. I told him I'd explain to him later, which I did.

We came home and had Grandma Judy, Auntie Becca and Addi over for late lunch/early dinner. They brought all the food and it was SCRUMPTIOUS! MMMM HMMM! We had an Easter egg hunt in the back yard, which lasted a full 2.3 minutes before they were bored with it. After that round of company left, Grandma Lollie called to see if they could pop over, so her and Grandpa Jeff and Auntie Gina came over for a bit. The kids decided that Easter is a great day to eat too much candy, resulting in a 2:00 a.m. vomiting episode by Jonah. Super fun. And we had an awesome time chatting with the kids about why we have Good Friday and Easter and what it means for us. I love their hearts and their questions and their conversations about Jesus. It's awesome!

I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend as well!

The shot below is the "monthly" picture. Although I might not be great at posting them, I am good about taking them at the right time each month!

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