Monday, July 27, 2009

I Love You Lord

I love you Lord,
And I lift my voice,
To worship You,
Oh my soul rejoice!
Take joy my King,
In what You hear.
May it be a sweet,
sweet sound, in Your ear!

Last night after a weekend of camping the kids were bathed and ready for bed early, as all were tired. Aphia had chalked up about 8,392 melt downs at this point and as she climbed into her bed (which has been and official big girl bed- with no gate for several weeks now) she asked for a song and a prayer. I gladly laid down next to her and obliged, as her mood shifted. First she wanted Kumbaya, but quickly changed her mind to I Love You Lord, "I Love You Lord is my favowite! I love dat one!" So with Jeremiah up top tucking in Jonah, and me below laying with Phia, the four of us sang a song to the Lord, telling Him that we love Him. Being their parent, the sound of each of my children singing this song was complete joy to me!! I know that when they sang, "Take joy my King, in what You hear. May it be a sweet, sweet sound in Your ear," that this truly was a sweet, sweet sound to our Lord, hearing his children sing praises to Him!

Lord, I pray that my children will always love you with all of their hearts. That they'll love you above everything else and everyone else for their entire lives!

1 comment:

jen said...

so sweet! Your love for the Lord is contagious my friend...:) blessings!