Not Me! Monday is an origination of my dear blog friend MckMama. You can check out more stories by linking up to her blog here:

So onto the things that I "did not" do in the past while...
*Today I did NOT see the Schwan's man driving his big yellow truck down the road and think to myself, "I need ice cream sandwiches right now!" and then proceed to run down the road after his truck, waving my hands at him so he would stop and come to my house. My neighbors would have all stopped and stared had I done that, so I did not.
*Last week, when asked about the keys for a closet at our church, that had been in my possession for MOPS, I did NOT tell a church staffer that I gave that key back last year, only to get out to my car, actually look at my key ring to see it hanging innocently where it has been for the last two years. Nope I would never do that, it would make me seem like such an airhead! I, of course, did NOT go back into church with my head hung in shame and would NEVER blame it on pregnancy brain.
*A week ago Friday we started potty-training Aphia. The first day did NOT go so well (no actually, it really didn't- it was horrific). Saturday did NOT go better (sarcasm back in place here) and by Sunday she was NOT dry all day! After 7 days she was NOT telling me each time she had to go potty and I am NOT extremely proud of her!!
*My cravings for veggies and hummus have NOT calmed down a bit over the past week, because I figured to curb my cravings I'd buy a brand of hummus that I'm not as crazy about as Athenos. This craving that has NOT calmed down is good because I was NOT eating it non-stop... or just by the spoonful because it's so yummy.
*Finally, tonight, I did NOT convince my family that they each needed an ice cream sandwich or orange push-up simply because I wanted another one. Nope not me! And when they all happily agreed to having our yummy treats that I worked so hard to get this afternoon, I did NOT get them out of the chest freezer, only to leave the chest freezer WIDE open for the next hour and a half. That would have been very absent minded of me and I would never do that. Not me!
Got any "Not Me!"s to share?? We all do. It's therapeutic... give it a shot ;)
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