My sister and I went to Auntie Becca and Uncle Tim's one night while my mom and dad had a wedding to go to. It was such great fun because Uncle Tim bought a special new video game that he knew I would LOVE, it was a "Cars" game!! I was so excited, and I especially loved it when I'd ask Uncle Tim to smash the cars and he did!

On another note, my mommy went on a weekend away with her MOPS Leadership Team. She came home a such a happy camper! I heard her telling Daddy a few of the things that she learned and experienced during the weekend. She talked about the friendships that continue to deepen with her friends. Being in the exact same place with so many people makes her feel so supported. She said that it's amazing to watch God do wonderful things. She learned more about prayer and depending on God, expecting the unexpected, and not limiting what God can do!
One of the biggest things that she took away from the weekend was that it is not her job, but the Holy Spirit's job, to convict me, Jonah, Daddy, and herself, of the things we should or should not be doing. She knows (but often times forgets) that God can do anything, and if she spent half as much time praying about situations as she does trying to correct them herself, then she could sit back and let God handle it... And I know too, that He can do a better job! God will work with all of us, I know that, to make us the best workers in His Kingdom that we can be. Mommy is working on holding her tongue in times when she should not talk, but instead talking silently to God about the situation. She's laying down her pride and laying down her requests to the Lord, instead of icky words or tones of voice she might have used before.
When she came home for the weekend, Daddy (along with Jonah and I) had cleaned up the whole house really well (he sorta owed it to Mommy, but that's for another time). It was so nice and clean and Mommy was SO happy to be home to us and a clean house. She was only gone from Friday afternoon until lunch time on Sunday, but she missed us so much and was anxious to get home to us!!
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