Today, August 2nd, 2010 is the last and final day in my 20's. I'm not really sure how I feel about this. I think that fact is quite possibly because I don't really care. I thought that I would care a lot more. Some have told me that the turn to 30 is a tough one to take and so I have geared up for disaster and catastrophe- impending dooooooom! But it does not feel like that. I am very content and satisfied with where my life is at, at (almost) 30. God is good and has abundantly blessed.
Last summer as I hit the big 2-9, I decided to make a list in my journal. It is titled, "Some things that I love in my 29th year" and here they are in no particular order, just things I wrote down throughout the year:
*Flip flops
*Dove dark chocolate
*Roasted Red Pepper Hummus (induced by my pregnancy with Isaiah!!)
*Big bulky necklaces
*Digital cameras
*My family!!
*Doing kitchen things: cooking, canning, baking (but not cleaning)
*The internet (facebook, blogs, etsy, google, etc)
*Watching my children play together splendidly (they really are BFF's)
*The fact that Jonah LOVES pre-school
*Shopping with my Phia or going to "Caribou's"
*Snuggling up with JJ after the kids are in bed to chat or watch a movie
*Vitamin D
*Being able to stay home with my children
*Starts of new seasons
*Leadership of many sorts
*Pentel RSVP fine tip pens- in black
*Our new home!
*School supply shopping
*Dates with Jesus at Coffee Connection
*JJ doing breakfast with the kids so I don't have to hear the crunching of the cereal :)
*When a child or two gets a "getaway" weekend at Grandparents homes
*Laughing with my kids
*The occasional Happy Hour
*Watching JJ's softball games
*Our mattress
*Shopping by myself
It will be interesting to see if my enjoyment shifts when I turn (gasp!) 40.