Thursday, September 24, 2009

This was how it was...

On the 4th day of Jonah being at Pre-School, this was how it was...

Phia and I went to a couple garage sales and I bought her this super cute hat. Back story on the hat: I bought it for her because, a couple of weeks ago, she dropped her other hat right into a Biffy toilet! I was having her stand on the sides of the toilet and squat over it to go potty, and as she was attempting this, she looked down into the hole to see all the treasures there were in there, and her hat fell right off her head into the toilet. Yuck! The most traumatic of it all was when she had to go potty, RIGHT ON HER OWN HAT!!! But when you gotta go, you gotta go!

So anyways, after we got home from the garage sales, but before we had to go get Jonah, I was fiddling away in the kitchen, only to look over at my solemn little girl, hanging out on the chair, waiting patiently for her brother to be home.

After a bit I told her that she and I could go downstairs and pick out a game to play! This cheered up our Little Miss and it was a wonderful morning together.

Aphia and I are having a spectacular time together, these days, whilst Jonah learns and plays away with his friends and wonderful teachers at Pre-School. He really enjoys it and whenever I ask what the best part of the day was he always replies with, "It was ALL the best!"

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A New Phase of Life

My mom told me how Tuesday was my Uncle's first day in 41 years (yes, you read that number correctly) that he did not have a child going off to school. Tuesday night, for our family, began what will be the first of many "school nights." It was, hmmm, what is the word I'm looking for... thought inducing to me about phases ending (for my Uncle) and phases beginning (for us) all in the same day.
Jonah was brimming over with excitment and happiness on Tuesday night, gearing up for Wednesday, the big first day. Wednesday day morning he woke me up with, "Guess what today is?!" I jumped up and joined in his excitement as I said with glee, "The first day of preschool!!!" He got all ready, we took pictures, and we headed off!
I brought him into his classroom, where he put his backpack in his cubbie (which is RIGHT next to his best friend Jack's cubbie- Oh the joy!), and got to playing instantly. I was watching the other moms and dads to see when they were starting to leave- I haven't done this before you know, so I was watching them to take my cue. As they were starting to exit, I said to Jonah, "I'm going to go in a minute Jonah," to which he replied, "Ok bye! Have fun, see you later!" Guess that was my cue.
As I drove away, I got teary and Aphia asked, "Why are you sad Mommy?" I said, "Because I'm so proud of Jonah. He's such a big boy. And I love you guys very much." She replied with, as she also started to cry, "I love you too Mommy, and I love my bwotho, I miss him." Very sweet.
I had a good 2 1/2 hours with Phia, running a few errands and tinkering around the house (both of us a little aimless and lost). Around 11:00 she started asking to go get Jonah and it was close that time, thankfully, because she asked me about 58 more times in the next 15 minutes!! When we got to school to pick him up he was again, bubbling over with excitement and joy. His first day was truly spectacular and wonderful. He talked about it the entire way home and for much of the rest of the day.
I took a lot of time to ponder these things on Wednesday. What a jumble of emotions! My oldest boy, headed off to pre-school. I can just imagine next year, kindergarten, everyday. I really didn't think it would be that big of a deal, that my emotions would be fine, but it was somewhat of a rollercoaster... well, more like a kiddie coaster :)