We decided that after she turned 2, Aphia would be weaned from her nuk. She only had it at naptime and bedtime, but she counted on having it then! When we first started prepping her, saying that she was almost done having her nuk, her big eyes would fill with tears and her little bottom lip would quiver... it was more than I could bear.
We decided to cut the tip of it off first (which didn't matter a whole lot, since she had already chewed a couple holes in them, so it didn't have the suction anymore) to which she promptly took it out, handed it back to Jeremiah saying, "Bwoken Nukie Daddy, bwoken Nukie." We eventually trimmed it down this far:

Finally, last Thursday night we took it away completely, telling her that she was a big girl and she wasn't going to have her nuk anymore. She did o.k. the first couple nights, but Jonah was the super hero those nights, talking her off the ledge!! It was very sweet and big brotherish of him- telling her, in an extremely sweet voice "Aphia you're a big girl, you don't need your nuk now. We're so proud of you for not having your nuk anymore!" She's been doing great the past couple nights, still asking to have it, but when we tell her no, she just hugs her dolly and rolls over and closes her eyes.
Does this mean she's really not a baby anymore?! Hmmmm.... what's a mom to do?