Thursday, January 22, 2009

Not Me! Monday

So there's this blog I read sometimes. Ok it's a lot. I usually check back more than once a day, usually. Well her name's MckMama and she's fabulous! She writes a blog each Monday, entitled "Not Me! Monday" saying it's a place "where we can be brutally honest with each other, and live to tell about it, while we shroud the severity of our statements by pretending we SO did not really do them!" Check out MckMama's blog- she's a hoot and I know you'll love her (especially if you have small children).

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

So onto my "Not Me!" Monday! (And for some reason, when I started this blog... on Thursday... but did not finishe until Monday... it says it's posted on Thursday... But really it's Monday!)

I most certainly did not get sick 2 weeks ago with the stomach flu, infecting my entire household, and then leave them all in their misery to flit off across the globe to a magnificent beach in Mexico with 5 friends on a trip that had been long planned! Nope, not me!

I also did not feel incredibly guilty about this non-fact while I was there and after I came home to find that my brood had then infected my mom, dad and sister. Nope, didn't feel horrible in the least, considering I feel guilty enough leaving (when everyone is healthy) to go to Target for an hour in the evening.

I did not zip through and entrench myself in the last of the "Twilight" series books, "Breaking Dawn," while laying on the beach, partly to distract me from thinking about my family back home.

Whilst sick with my crew before I left, I did not allow all of us to stay in our pajamas for 3 days, watch endless amounts of pbs and movies, let Aphia have her Nuk almost all day long (when she normally only has it at bed time) and take uber long naps.

I did not let Aphia eat breakfast 3 times on Saturday (one with Jonah, one with me, one with Jeremiah) because she seems to love eating more than anything else. And sometimes, it's just easier. I also did not ever swear that I would never say the statement, "...because it's just easier."

And finally, I am certainly not extremely thankful for the wonderful friends I have, who made my trip to Mexido possible. I was not overwhelmingly blessed by them to be there, and by my family back home, taking care of my kiddos while I was gone. I really do have the most amazing network around me~ loving and devoted~ wow.

Check back next week when I fill you in on more things that I certainly did not do, that show the imperfect, unbalanced, sometimes very crazed person I really am not!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Hodge Podge

Sometimes my brain works at alarmingly fast speeds, thinking of at least 37 things at any given moment. I can frequently be found playing through scenarios that I might encounter, rearranging my house, *trying* to recite Bible verses, trying to remember what it was that Aphia has eaten that might have been out of the ordinary- that is causing the latest bout of constipation (and then remember that there is nothing out of the ordinary that does this to her, it's just her!). I try to figure out a time in the given day that I'm going to work on reading with Jonah, I think about many family and friends who I would love to sit and have a cup of coffee with and enjoy a nice, uninterrupted, adult conversation with, and I attempt to plan out the rest of my life- ALL IN MY HEAD... at any given moment.
Jeremiah says I think way too much. This might be true. Sometimes when I say to him, "What are you thinking?" he responds with, "Nothing." And it's TRUE! He just blanks out. I cannot do this... I don't understand it and I don't think I ever will. My mind is always turning, like a hamster's wheel.
Today is no different. Lots of stuff on the brain, stuff I have to do, stuff I want to do, stuff I don't want to do. It's a hodge podge mess of thoughts.
So here is a hodge podge mess of photos to go along with my scattered-thought-brain.
This little pumpkin is my challenger. She is SO darned cute, but she is strong willed. What do I do with a girl who, when she takes off her socks and shoes in the car and is made to walk across a FREEZING cold garage floor barefooted to get into the house (I believe in natural consquences for a lot of things), simply does not care that she has to do this. She even gives a little giggle and struts into the house. And this hasn't happened just once, it's usually a once a week occurance. What am I to do??? What am I to do with a girl, who after she throws all of her food onto the floor at lunch, when I turn my back for a moment, and I give her hand a darned ouchie slap, literally shrugs, laughs and continues talking to Jonah. What am I to do?!?!
And other times she is the JOY of my life. I tell her "I need to change your diaper, so run to Mommy!!" She backs up, to get a good run going, and FLIES into my arms, with her miniature legs going at warp speed, laughing the whole way! And at bedtime, she folds her hands, ready for prayers, when we lay her down and goes through the list, naming those she wants to pray for- so tender and sweet.
Yes, this would be God's way of MAKING me slow down. Not that I was even trying to go too fast or anything!! Really God? REALLY?? I rolled my ankle last weekend, it was dumb. It gave a loud, "SNAP, CRACKLE, POP!" and I wanted to die a little bit. But I made it to the family picture in time and smiled for it! I'll be wearing this air cast boot, that my awesome Father-in-law got for me, for a while. Hoping that I will only have to bring it with me, when I go on vacay next week, ONLY as a precautionary measure.

My sisters-in-law (and one to-be!) Love them, LOVE THEM! And yep, sometimes Bex and I are just SO SAME BRAINED that, yes, we wear the same exact sweater to Christmas, not even knowing the other had it. Seriously, I'm extremely blessed to have them.

My angels. Thanks to Grandma Judy for the costumes for the Kruger Christmas Program.