Monday, October 27, 2008

There's a Mergency Mom!

Jonah's always been pretty good at pronunciation, and I've worked with him on it. So I think it's kind of funny that when he says, "There's a mergency!" instead of E-mergency, I just chuckle and don't really correct him.

Today I was helping get the last of the daycare kids out the door, Jonah had gone out to the car because we were leaving shortly for some errands. He ran back in, as I was talking to the mom that was leaving with her little ones and says, "Mom! There are sirens!" I said, "What kind?" "I don't know, but it's a mergency mom! We need to pray!!" I thought this was really sweet and said, "Ok buddy, I'll be done talking in a second and then we will." Well he was apparently not ok with that because he waited about 3 seconds, then folded his hands, looked at me for another second and then started to pray by himself, outloud, but not loud enough for me to hear. It was REALLY sweet!

Later, I told him how proud I was of him, for praying for the people in the emergency. I asked what he had said to Jesus and he responded with, "I said, 'Thank you Jesus for the day (which is pretty much how he starts every prayer), and for the mergency. Help all the people to be safe and healthy. Amen."

Makes my heart happy as a mom... These are the moments God uses to affirm that I'm doing a good job, which God knows I need :)

1 comment:

Melissa and Craig Gottschalk said...

Wow! That is amazing :) Way to go Mommy :) He'll continue to be one amazing kiddo!