Today I was slotted to wedding dress shop with my sister.
Today my sister is sick and we did not wedding dress shop.
Today I took Phia on a mommy/daughter date to get our nails
done and then went shopping. We went
real shopping, like not at a thrift store or a quick run through Target. This is a first for us. It was so fun! We hit up Old Navy, Colombia , Mrs. Field’s and Bath and Body Works- good times for us girls.
Today was a great day for a great 3 mile walk with a great BFF.
Today I spent a good amount of time on Pinterest which hasn’t
happened in a long time.
Today I want to start a thousand projects around the house
(probably because of the time spent on pinterest), but cannot guarantee that I
will finish any of them, so I will start none.
Today I am thinking about someone close to me who had a
Today I am thinking about the many moms I know who have lost
little ones, whether in utero or after.
Today my heart is so sad for them.
Today I went to the chiropractor.
Today I overheard to people at the chiropractor talking
about the scoliosis they had and how it is being corrected.
Today I had hope, seeing as the 12 degree curvature I
thought I had, is actually a 39 degree curvature. Hmm. Who knew?!
Today I heard of a bunch of people taking down their
Christmas tree.
Today I thought, “I could NEVER take down my tree before January,”
and I never will.
Today I looked at my “Ethiopia clock” (the one that sits
just above my oven clock and has Ethiopian time on it from when I was there, so
that JJ & kids would know what time it was for Mom- props to JJ on that
idea! And P.S. it’s not ever coming down) and wondered what my Roza was
Today my kids have been really good, playing in and
Today JJ is sick and I really wish I had more innate
compassion for him when he is sick.
Today I am wondering questions like, “Why did I get to be
born after Christ was born and died and didn’t live in the time of ‘the law’?” “Why was I born in the U.S.A. and not
in some war torn or very impoverished country?”
“Why do I get to experience things like pedicures and shopping with my
daughter?” “How can I be more conscious of others who don’t ever get the luxury
of these things?” “What is next for me
in this journey?”
Today has been a fantastic Saturday.