Anywho! We're back from Colorado where we spent a week with JJ's family, skiing, relaxing, eating, hot tubbing, watching movies, reading and visiting together.
A few things I learned on our trip and then the pictures!
1. I really enjoy driving in the quiet and dark of the night or very early morning. I especially like when I can set my cruise at 75 mph, drive super straight and flat through Nebraska and not turn the cruise off for over 2.5 hours. Me likey.
2. I like curves that go to the right as opposed to curves that go to the left.
3. I like when people turn off their highbeams when they are approaching me.
4. I feel bad that I often forget to do the latter. (What can I say? I grew up in the suburbs! We didn't use our brights on highways... only on neighborhood streets)
5. I do not like straight line winds and sleet while driving through Nebraska.
6. I like powdery ski hills, not ones that don't have much snow, have rocks showing, and are icy.
7. I LOVE sitting in the hot tub overlooking mountains and beautiful little villages below.
8. Being willing to "Tebow" in the hot tub for another group that was doing a scavanger hunt will earn you a bottle of wine.
9. My eldest son is very sweetly sensitive. When his cousins were complaining about him coughing in the night he left the room and went and slept under the stairs with only his pillow and nigh-night (blankie).
10. My daughter is occasionally more concerned about if she looks cute on the hill as opposed to how she'll do on the hill.
11. My son rarely lacks for confidence. He told me this on the 4th day of skiing, "Mom, this vacation is going so fast! Just like 10 seconds ago, I didn't know how to ski. And now... I'm a GREAT skiier!"
12. I love my family and the blessings that they are to me!!
Here we all are in the living room of the house we stayed in on Copper Mountain.
The two littlest cousins stayed back home.
Not ready for the slopes just yet.
The littlest Kruger Boy at home with Grama and Grampa
And finally this one :)
And there you have it folks! It was a fun, busy, relaxing, amazing vacation. We are so grateful to have been able to go on such a trip! There were several times when I would look at the beauty that was all around me and seriously say to myself, "Wow... This is my life?! Really!? Wow. Just wow. Thank you Lord! Thank you."