Since he doesn't really know how to do it himself, I'll toot Isaiah's horn for him today.
We went in to the clinic for his 18 month well check. The kid did amazing. Seriously incredible. Rediculously phenomenal.
He's in the 97th %ile for height and about 80th %ile for weight. Always consistent on the growth curve my boy is!
Anywho. We got in to the room and I stripped him down and of course he just giggled at being nakie (except for his diaper)! He layed perfectly still as nurse Mandy weighed him, measured his length and his head circumference. Nurse Mandy continued to check him out a bit and then said that there was a student in today and asked if it was ok if he came in also. This frequently happens and I'm ALL too happy to help people learn. So the P.A. student came in and checked out Big Man. Isaiah's ears were so incredibly filled with wax that he couldn't really see in. So then Dr. Nelson came in and checked him out, he continuing to smile and "chat" with them all. Dr. Nelson asked Mandy to do an ear wash on the right ear since after picking out a LOT of wax, she still couldn't see much. So Mandy proceeded to do the ear wash. I had to hold him sideways over the sink while she shot warm water into his ear with this little do-hickey contrapation. He, again, didn't even bat an eye. Just sat there in my arms, didn't even twitch his head. After seeing the really gross products in the sink of the ear wash and seeing how great he did, we did the other ear too. Nurse Mandy finished up by saying to the P.A. student, "That was the easiest ear wash I've EVER done, and it was on an EIGHTEEN MONTH OLD!" She then proceeded to give him 4 shots, to which he got a BIG pouty lip and said, "Owie Manny (Mandy)! Owie!" And then I picked him up and said it was time to go, to which he replied, "Shoes! Shoes! Ouside, Ouside!"
And we traipsed out of the doctors office all smiles! And then we played "ouside" since it was so nice out this morning!
Happy 18 month Birthday Mr. IJK! You are loved!